The world does not revolve around you !
It’s amazing how quickly the days are flying by. I was hoping that I would hang out w/ my cousin Lily. It’s always nice to just hang out w/ her- browsing for hours, chilling, shopping and sampling differ food. I’ve been missing that a lot lately. She’s one of these people who make you feel good about life in general. Trust me, not a lot of people can do that for me. =)On a happier note, she’s getting marry in a year or so! Yay! *_~ You guess it, bachelorett party in Vegas!! We are both excited!! I can’t wait. I’m so glad that she found her other half, she truly deserve it. I’ve learned so much from her. The dramas, nightmares, pain and tears she has to endure throughout her relationships of not being treated right. Feeling helpless that you can’t help lessen the pain; nevertheless we learned from our mistakes, which makes us stronger. I truly look up and admire her for that.

Well, I haven’t seen my aunt Wendy for sometime now. You would think as someone get older; they tend to become wiser. ( I guess, this is not the case.) I haven’t really talked to her since the Vegas trip- let say I’m so f**** tire of her shit. She always twist things around, you were the one that keeps following my friend around! Never listen to her shit!@ Sowee, she’s the only person I’m embarrassed to called family. Trust me, I’ve never met someone so fake and cocky in my life. If she wasn’t family, I guess I wouldn’t even bother talking to her. The funny thing was that she told Lily that I was jealous of her. Oh please!!! Come on lady- The world does not revolve around you! Not everyone in the world wants to be you (It’s probably the opposite! haha.. ) I guess I am jealous that I don’t have superficial friends- whom probably gives a shit about a prada purse more than you. No that’s not it, I must be jealous that I’m not dating younger guys that can be my little brothers or maybe I’m jealous that I can’t take advantage of people who cares for you, like your family- which you take for granted. Wait! Wait! I got it!! I must be jealous of not having the capability to take advantage of ANY guys that comes your way. Dude nothing is for free, they probably want something in return. Even when they don’t want anything and truly wants to be your friend, you don’t take advantage of friends- simple as that!
Ok, sowee about the sarcasm. =) Simply can’t help it… haha.. Just tired of dealing of her. I hope none of you have to go through what I’ve been through all these years. You know the sad part was that I wanted to be like her when I was 7 years old. What the hell was I thinking? I guess things, the fact I grew up and realize that things aren’t what it seems.
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