=( sad day

Just got to work and can't wait to get off. It’s pouring outside and it makes today seem so gloomy. Today my cousin came over, it's been a few weeks since I've seem her, so I asked what happened to her .. She told me that Brian's (her boyfriend) sister just passed away almost two weeks ago leaving behind an 18 year old boy and a 6-year-old boy. The sad part was that there was no warming sign- she passed away on her desk and just like that - she’s gone. =*( The parents are very sad right now-especially the dad –and- quite frankly my heart just dropped when I heard the news.
So here I am at work, feeling a bit lost and weird. Life is so weird sometimes; you never know what can happen. One-minute things are going great and then a bomb drops and your heart doesn’t know how to feel anymore. What I’m trying to say is to cherish everything around you !!
Anyhow, I think I better get back to work.
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