*_~ I heart Fridays! However this Friday, I overslept. I thought I had set my alarm and I did – but I didn’t really turn it on. Apparently, what I think happened is that I set it & turn it on and then accidentally turned it off – thinking I was turning it on. ( ha-ha.. I think it’s the curse of Friday the 13th.)
It’s indeed Friday and I’m so glad. This has been a very long and exhausting week and I’m tire as heck due to lack of zZzZZzz! I’m going to enjoy the hell out of this weekend. Just chill and relaxed a bit! b/c I need it.
But anyhow. ~~~ moving along. ~~~ It’s been a while, but I need to do some volunteer work soon. If I didn’t have to do this, you know: work and paid off bill thingy. I’d be volunteering all over the places. – It’s really good for the soul! I’m not sure exactly what I want to do yet, maybe another charity walk or visiting the elderly center. I think I’m just having trouble committing to it. We shall see….
Just came home from dinner w/ 3 of my closest friends that I’ve known since Jr. High, whom I haven’t seen in a while- beside my best friend. =) I was looking forward to it for a week now, simple b/c I just miss the company of old friends. Dinner was nice and relaxing. Can’t wait to go to Napa for wine tasting and cooking dinner @ Sylvia’s –just the 4 of us. =) To my old dear friends: Thank you! Hopefully those old friends will keep in touch and not remain “old friends”.
Well, I better go to sleep. =) Have a fun weekend ya!
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