why do you even care so much or bother with it?
A close friend and I are having a very interesting phone conversation right now regarding how people judge other people. Apparently, someone was talking behind one of my friend’s back and she wasn’t way too happy about it. Of Course, no would! But I told her -Stop tripping over it, it’s not worth our time to care over the things that people say, they don’t even know you- so why do you even care so much or bother with it?
The things that I can't or won't say offline I'll say here. This is my outlet to vent about things around me that piss me off. The people who read this blog and say "Oh that Cindy," well you really don't know me at all. How about taking a moment to say hi to me in comments and you'll see that I'll send you a nice, warm, fuzzy welcome.
Don't think that just because you don't agree with me, you can't enjoy my site or *gasp* be my friend. All of my posts aren't liberal bashing. Read through my archives and you'll find that I'm probably like you in some ways. I have the same fears as everyone else, the same hopes, and the same dreams. I'm an actual person, with blood flowing through my veins, with a beating heart that yes sometimes gets hurt by what she been through. I'm human; I have the same flaws as each and every one of you. I'm not perfect, but nobody is for that matter. So before you go judging me by my blog, take a moment to say hi to me either here on the blog I think you'll find that I'm actually a very nice person.
That being said, I'm not going to stop posting my opinions here on this blog because you feel offended by what I write. You don't think that I get offended by some things I read? I sure as hell do. You don't think that I get my feelings hurt by things I know are pointed towards me? Well guess what? I do. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've read something and gone. I'm just opinionated. I'm not going to bite my tongue if I feel that I have something very important to say.
Like all the other million bloggers out there, I need a place for me. This is my place and I'm going to use it how I feel. I want to be able to get things off my chest. I want to be able to share with you the things that make me happy. If I lost every single visitor to this blog this very second, I would still post. Like I said before, this is my outlet. I don't do this to see how many visitors I can get or to see how many people will “blogroll” me. Those things don't mean a thing to me. This is the place where I can sort things over in MY head and MY heart, not where I come to be judged. If you feel like you can't do that, please forget this url. I certainly don't visit blogs where I feel uncomfortable. It's that easy!
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