I make mistakes and I'll learning from them. But isn't life all about learning? Everything in life happens for a reason, whether something good happens or something bad happens, it happened for a reason. It’s meant for you to learn from, experience it, and move on... Life is about learning. So with everything that comes your way, embrace it. Learn from it & take whatever knowledge you gained from that experience or situation and use it towards your future.
I try not to hold grudges against anyone because I know that people make mistakes. However, you can forgive but never forget!! Some people make more mistakes than others. But just know that no matter how many mistakes someone makes... (I know I'm one of these people, cause I'm not perfect and never be! )whether it’s your friend, you, or someone else making them, you learn from that mistake. You learn from your friends, your parents, your mistakes, their mistakes, etc.. No matter who walks into your life, they will have an impact on who you are today. You learn from them without even knowing it. One day you'll look back on everyone who has ever come into your life and you will realize that you DID learn something from them.
Like they say, "FORGIVE AND FORGET! "
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