Yes, life bites - bite back harder !
Trust can be a fragile… - and so very easily broken !
Lies, deceit, manipulation, slander, rumors, cheating, adultery, and so on.
All of these break trust - putting up such a huge wall that will take such a long time to tear down. Do we respect our friends so little that we would break the trust between us. The shooting pain of uncovered lies so much more painful than the sincere truth!
We are self centered, which I have learned that the truths are inevitable. Why must we be so proud that we would put ourselves ahead of our friends... How arrogant and conceited of us to do so! It can take a friendship back to square one - or even destroy it.
How self-centered it is to forget a friend. To claim that a friend means so much to you, and then to do such a repulsive thing as break that friend's trust! It sounds so careless. (Doesn't it?) People say they care about me, but even that is now in question. Am I free from lies myself ? No, of course not.
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