People only really care about themselves and how they are perceived.

I feel like I've let people down on my blogs. Daily updates are long gone, but I hope I can re-achieve it and make it a weekly update instead. Anyways, I don't care what people think, what people say about me because hell, whatever they're thinking doesn't matter to me. I don't even know them.
My life today seems so much different then it was. My attitude towards certain things and my beliefs and everything seem so out of whack. For instance, I don't care about anything anymore. I don't care what people think, I don't care about what I wear (that’s a lie, I care about what I wear) but seriously, I've resorted to this I don't give a shit thing and I kinda like it.
I think I've spent a great deal of my life caring too much about what other people thought... and now, I realize.. People don't care about what you do. People don't care about what you say or what you think really. People only really care about themselves and how they are perceived. No one stays up all night pondering why I said what I said the day before. Granted, they might review it once thereafter and think about some dumb comment I made, but in all reality people do not care about what other people do.
But anyway, it's true, you can't care about what other people think.. Unless it's your family or friends, they really don't give a shit about you, what you say, or who you are. I'm glad I learned that the long way. I think its effect is more impressed on me.
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