*_^ Smile !!

Hello Everyone. =) (haha… As though if anyone is actually reading this.)
Today was pretty good. I managed to have a pretty relaxed day, which is a change. It's my first in a few weeks. It’s one of those day smiley days- where nothing can change your mood! *_~ you guys know that feeling! Life in general has been pretty good, could be better but its fine for the time being. I have a job that I don’t mind driving over the city. I guess, it’s the people at work that makes it worth wild and the fact I get sometime by myself at work - overall everything is finally coming together. =) maybe this year is truly for the year of the horse.
Oh I finally finish reading my book. Although it took me almost 1.5 months – the point is I finish. Now I need to find something non-fiction that’s interesting. =] hmmm.. I’ll come back to that later. Anyho, it’s been 2 years; but I've decided to go back on the Atkins Diet. Being out of shape really sucks! Trust me, I know. In yet another effort to lose a few pounds, boost my energy level and take care of a body that is starting to complain. Geez, I sound like a old fart! Haha..
Well I guess, I need to do something, or meet someone, or go somewhere. Whatever it is I'm increasingly sure that something needs to happen, and no one is going to get it to happen except me. So I must ante up!
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