=) I'm cited about it!! Can't wait to party! yay!

Any normal person would be excited about his/her birthday coming. But as you know, I'm no normal person. You see, there is one thing I dread most about this dark day is getting older. I don't have any more birthdays to look forward to. 21 was the last good one. Beside I'm not much of a birthday girl anyways! Usually I just don't know if, how and where I'm gonna celebrate it. I try to avoid it since I didn’t think it was all that special. But this year birthday, we are going to Vegas and I can’t WAIT! It’s been a very long time that I’ve been excited about anything! But as always I shouldn’t keep my hopes up, just in case I won’t have that much fun.
Hmmm.. Jane asked what I wanted for my B-day. If you know me by now, I rather get a B-day card than something that is not useful at all.. (Like Candles, Clothes and Lotion sets.) I rather someone buys me a drink or brings me out for dinner, if not a gift card-simple as that. Maybe I’m being a little picky, but that’s me. Actually I don’t think I’m not as bad as my other friends. I don’t ask for anything that is expensive, b/c I don’t wanna feel like I owe them something-when I can go buy it myself.
Anyho, everything is set for Vegas! The hotel, car rentals, Lily/Alicia’s airfare is book and reservations are all! I’m cited about it!! Can’t wait to party! yay! Just not tonite, still debating whether to go to 'Sixes' – I’m so freaking afraid I might get a hangover.. Then again, it’s Jane’s B-day.. If she decided to go Suite 181 then I will definitely leave early and meet up with them. Or I’ll just stay home and rest, since I’m still coughing a little bit. =(
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