Life's Lesson!

Today is a go_od day. At least, it has started out as a good day. I was thinking this morning that I’d love to be a therapist, something like Dr. Phili w/ a softer feminine softer side. (okok.. stop laughing now! Haha..) But honestly, I think I’m a little too unstable myself to be assisting others in their attempts to find themselves. I’m a little too lost myself, know what I mean..
Whenever I meet someone new, I always manage to ask this question, “what is the biggest lesson you’ve learn in your life?” You would be amaze w/ all the answers I get. For me, I’ve learned that everyday you spend being angry and stubborn- is a day you don’t get back. It’s gone! I will never ever get that time back, no matter what I do. I guess I’d smack myself upside the head and get over it… but my own stubbornness’ has cost others dearly as well. However, I’m learning from my mistake. I’m willing to adjust and try my best to think outside the box. (Yet, You gotta remember I’m still human and I will tend to make mistake even when I try not toOoo..) Eventually the people around me will notice that I’m finally changing slowly and stop holding this against me and start accepting me the way I am now. Remember you’re human too..
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