... sloOow we-ek ....

It's been a full, but slow week. I mean, Friday is just getting here. Did everyone else have a slow week? Not much to report these days. Work is Work. It's a job- it helps pay the bills. (..well...sort of....) probably start looking for another part time job.. w'ell see in a month or two...
I stopped by Barnes and Noble the other day to find a book to read and found an interest one. I'll have to see if it will get me through the next 2-3 weeks at work. Just came back from Berkeley Bowl Market. Did I mention earlier that I found $40 in my pocket? yay! =) It's like free grocery, even though it's my $$. I love shopping at Berkeley Bowl; there are things that I just can't get at our local grocery chain store. Oh, they have the cheapest and freshest veggie and fruits around, fresh sushi, hot soups and freshly made to order sandwiches! It's like a mini Whole Food Markets- but way cheaper! I don't have a sweet tooth, but I love their pastry/cakes! Yummy. =)
Usually I'm all hype up and all smiley on Friday, somehow just felt in a lazy-bored mood. So in an attempt to de-funk my mood, I decided to actually cook a real meal from all the stuff I brought at
Hmm… Wonders? what I will be doing tonight? Maybe go watch Monster-in-law.. Definitely not in the mood for dancing (maybe tomorrow?) or just might chill at home n' play some game and call it a night. Oh well see.. *** Oh man! *** I almost forgot that Star wars is out this week! =P Don't laugh k, but I really really wanna go see it! I wanna see how Anakin Skywalker's turn to the Dark Side.. Oh well, I know the line is going to long and pack, probably wait until next week to see it !
*_~ Anyho, have a fun weekend ya!
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