Happy Thursday! *_~ SMILE please!We're only one day closer to Friday! Aren't you excited?
Haha.. maybe I'm excited b/c I don't work Fridays! Yay! =)

Yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day! It's from
all that cleaning and all that crazy proteins! Atkins! Darn it! I'm
still on the Induction phases, which should have been 2 weeks and it's
almost a month now. I was doing so well last week, it's all that
temptation @ home that's not helping! Maybe I should get a room in SF
and come back on the weekends- since this whole month I've been going
to SF everyday except for two days. All the money I paid on gas I
could have gotten a small room –ok, maybe not. Yes, I've been
cheating a bit. So basically I'm on a rollercoaster, I didn't enjoy
getting that jittery feeling every other day. I need **will power!**
Oh well, I'll try again.. Eventually I'll get it right. (ok- enough
of that whining- I'm getting myself annoy by it. =P haha)
Actually yesterday was one of those day that truly wasn't so bad when
you try to lay if out, but when you didn't get enough sleep ( 3.5 or
so hours is not enough.) I can't sleep! I went to bed, barely able to
keep my eyes open and then I was wide awake! It's was relatively hard
to get back to sleep when the sun is already up.
On a happier note, I didn't notice how much gas prices dropped this
past few weeks until today. It's was only thirty something instead of
forty something! Yay! That means I'm gonna save almost $20 bucks a
week, which = 2 extra shots @ the clubs!! =) haha… gotta use the
money for something useful! haha..
Anyways, I was so glad that work was busy last nite! Hope it's busy
tonight! So time can pass by quicker! I hate it when there's nothing
to do and you have to pretend to be busy- that sucks! Which is why I
have so much free time writing this blogs. It's good to clear the
mind, but at the same time- how much can one writes?
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