Whew! what a week...
Whew! I’m glad last weekend’s over. I never thought that I would say such things! So glad everything is done! I’m still disappointed that I didn’t get to spend the time watching the Korean Movie, cleaning up my room nor plan anything for the Raft trips. Hopefully I can get more than 6 people to go, everyone say they are going but it’s hard to say until then-you know what I mean. This week was so busy @ work, I left work really TIRED! I had to rest my eyes for 10 mins b4 I heading back home. Overall, the week wasn’t so bad after all, it’s Thursday already! Yay! =)
PS. angrylittlegirl.com
I heart this cartoonist, I can really related to a lot of her cartoons!
=) Now that I’ve done all “these things” on my list, or am in the process of doing them. I feel on top of the world again! I think for the last couples of weeks, I just let my life be ruled buy other factors and I felt like I was really losing control over myself. Now, I’m trying to make a very conscious effort to improve on myself or life.
It’s amazing how quickly the days have been going by lately. It’s already another weekend! Yay! I’m going enjoy a nice calm weekend @ home. Trying to catch up w/ the things I plan to do last week but didn’t. I need to catch up w/ my zzZZzZz.. Sleep is good, staying home is good. Rest & spending time w/ Tyra seem ralxing! Hmmmm… Maybe I’ll bring Tyra to the zoo tomorrow. We’ll see….
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