eBay-aholics! = Shop-aholics!
Today was another day of relaxation, although I’m also catching up on laundry and a few chores. Getting the little things out of the way allows me the chance to tackle the big stuff later and even allows me to go out for a short drive or maybe fishing-wonder if Johnny (my bro.) is going today.. I miss fishing so much!! It’s something that relaxes meOh here’s a little something I wrote not too long ago about ebay ( YES!! I wrote about ebay… that’s how bore I was at work!! =) haha……you can comment on if you like..

I’m so retarded. I tried to buy something on eBay this morning, but got out bided by the last 30 sec. –and – I’m not willing to pay more than the amount that I bid w/. =l Kind of piss though, stupid eBay!!! Feel like a loser when you don’t get the item, especially when you waited for it. I guess only true eBayers would understand what I’m going through; maybe just maybe we can all sue eBay for emotional distress.. After all we are American! Haha…
I used to be addicted to online shopping, especially eBay. I can find some kick ass deals on eBay and its shipped directly to my front door totally w/out me driving to the mall – yet I still do. Haha.. (It’s a girly thingy!) okay, called me an eBay-aholic b/c I would browse through eBay to look @ random junks that I have no use for. The only problem is I don’t realize exactly how little use I have for these things until the items are in my possession- then I wonder where or what to do w/ it. I’m actually doing a lot better now. I try not to spend more than $100 or let alone not spent any at all, unless I plan to buy something I’ll probably check if there’s any good deals b4 I hit the retail store or worst the mall. So far I gotta pad myself on the back, I’m really trying to avoid eBay and I’m going strong! Guess I won’t need to sure eBay anymore or attend eBay-anonymous!
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