Whew…. What a boring week?
Lately, I find that writing in a notebook serves a similar function for me as this blogs but on a more personal level. Sadly I’m running out of words for my blogs-notice the similar themes. You gotta be a little creative to do that. Lately, I think I’ve lost my creativity -ok, I’m just lazy to think of one. What’s up w/ me? I’ve been so uninspired lately, whatever it is, it doesn’t lead itself to be funny nor interesting. =X
Is it b/c I’m spending my time@ work stress out and literally counting the hours until I get to go home (like right now.) or am I annoy by myself that I haven’t been doing the things on my list. To make things worst, my car has been out of operation for the past few days. I'm hoping that it won't cost more than 1g to fix it. Being trap at home is no fun at all. Thank god my mom lend me her car for work, I don’t know what I’ll do w/out this lady!! I heart this lady! Even though we drive each other insanely crazy! =) On a lighter note, my sister has been pretty supportive of me, which hasn’t happen for a long while, but I’m just glad that I’ll always have my family to back me and vice versa of course! Ok, enough of that **mushy** talk, I’m grossing myself out.. haha..
Have anyone watched Hood-2-Hood, it’s basically a documentary on living in the ghetto w/ various location like SF, Oakland, Chicago and at least 25 more citites. It’s about selling drugs, getting high and killing each other etc etc… It’s sad how people do live this way. Not knowing whether tomorrow is your last day or seeing friends get kill. All b/c of trying to make some fast money.. Dude! You’re selling drugs to your own ppls/neighbor – that doesn’t exactly help improve the environment. Maybe I’m naive and don’t understand what they have been through nor live in that environment, where ppl have no choice. Yet, I honestly believe if it wasn’t the temptation and greed of making fast money, they would have probably try to found a way out. The sad part is when the innocents get caught in the cross-fire-especially little kids. Well, I’ll just leave it at that, since it's time to go home. But if you get a chance to watch it, you will find it amusing and very ghett-O! After all this ‘ain't’ like real world mtv, it is the real world!
Have a nice week ya, 4 more days till Friday…
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