toOo Piss to zZzZzZz !
It’s almost 10 and notice that I’m still awake!Warming: I’m just a little piss @ the moment.
Just thought a little blogging would do me some good.
Reason for being piss: Went to Safeway and the Korean Market to get some fresh fruits and food for tomorrow’s picnic in Napa –Sylvia’s B-day. Just trying to get ahead of the game and making sure that I find time to do so, since I have something else to do lately on today. Before hitting the sak, I figure I better check my email and guess what? YES! The trip is cancel.**wtf** do I do w/ all that food?

The funny part was that I was more cited going target practice but cancel out b/c it was a close friend’s b-day. (Even though, I don’t feel that close to her. Stubborn as I was, I’m willing to take baby steps to change that- but when thing like this happen w/ her.. I just don’t know where I stand. ) I wish I was told by Wednesday, instead of Friday or Thursday nite.. whatever!
Geez! I really don’t need this right now! I’m just beyond tired of everything! Darn it! I have no more energy for this. I’m stressed out as it is. Ugh! I hate that feeling! This past week has been hell for me and I thought going to Napa (away from the city..) and spending time w/ close friends would do me some good. Guess not ~!
Anyho, I better go.
I don’t think my eyes nor body can stand being awake for more than 20+ hours!!
=) Have a nice weekend ya…
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