Just breathe - It's Friday!
*_~ Smile! I'm so glad its Friday! I guess, you guys should have figured that one out! Haha ! Doesn't take much to make me happy nor piss me off! Seriously! =) If you give me something small n' cute, even a piece of candy that can make my day better! Yet, if you don't say "Thank you" for something I did for you- that really bugs me- I don't want anything else but a simple thank you is all I ask for. (Don't think that's too much.)
=) I didn’t come home this morning until 8am. Decided to drop by the “flower market” on Bryant to check out the lei, farmer market then the bakery for some breakfast on the way home. =) It’s feels so good and refreshing to browse around early in the morning. =)
Anyho, I'm so insanely happy to have nothing going on this week. ***well*** actually I do. Joanne n' Johnny's Graduation tomorrow and the BBQ; which we have everything prepared: balloon, flower, cake, gifts and all the prep.work for the BBQ. Yay! I'm so proud of myself and =) I'm so proud of Joanne and Johnny for graduating!!! All I need to do this weekend is figure out which company to go for the rafting trip, cleaning up my room-reorganizing all my things (so it doesn't feel so clutter!) and I'll finally get the chance to watch the Korean drama that I wanted to watch for a few weeks now. (Hey, I gotta learn my Korean somehow! ) I really look forward to that, unless something comes up again. But I'm preparing to say No and just chill this Saturday nite- eventually I will have the willpower to say No. =P
It's amazing how quickly the days have been going by lately! I feel like it's been non-stop lately. I'm loving it yet it's a bit overwhelming @ times. Today should have been a day of rest for me yet I still feel so rushed! =( The day is flying by and in just a few hours I'll be out the door again. Time just keeps going by so fast before I know it, an entire month has passed. (Wish work was busier, so time
can pass by quicker!)
Man, I need to just sit and chill for a few hours. I need to just stop and breathe – just a little while. Even though I'm here writing this, I just feel like things are so hectic! There's so much on mind, that even when I'm completely stopped, my mind makes me feel like I'm still going 80 miles per hours. (I wonder if anyone feels this way.) Sometimes I get so tired, I don't know who or what I am anymore! Maybe it's from all that clutter-ness? Anyways, I better go and take a nap
and then eventually when this weekend ends- I'll be back to normal..
Happy Thursday! *_~ SMILE please!
We're only one day closer to Friday! Aren't you excited?
Haha.. maybe I'm excited b/c I don't work Fridays! Yay! =)
Yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day! It's from
all that cleaning and all that crazy proteins! Atkins! Darn it! I'm
still on the Induction phases, which should have been 2 weeks and it's
almost a month now. I was doing so well last week, it's all that
temptation @ home that's not helping! Maybe I should get a room in SF
and come back on the weekends- since this whole month I've been going
to SF everyday except for two days. All the money I paid on gas I
could have gotten a small room –ok, maybe not. Yes, I've been
cheating a bit. So basically I'm on a rollercoaster, I didn't enjoy
getting that jittery feeling every other day. I need **will power!**
Oh well, I'll try again.. Eventually I'll get it right. (ok- enough
of that whining- I'm getting myself annoy by it. =P haha)
Actually yesterday was one of those day that truly wasn't so bad when
you try to lay if out, but when you didn't get enough sleep ( 3.5 or
so hours is not enough.) I can't sleep! I went to bed, barely able to
keep my eyes open and then I was wide awake! It's was relatively hard
to get back to sleep when the sun is already up.
On a happier note, I didn't notice how much gas prices dropped this
past few weeks until today. It's was only thirty something instead of
forty something! Yay! That means I'm gonna save almost $20 bucks a
week, which = 2 extra shots @ the clubs!! =) haha… gotta use the
money for something useful! haha..
Anyways, I was so glad that work was busy last nite! Hope it's busy
tonight! So time can pass by quicker! I hate it when there's nothing
to do and you have to pretend to be busy- that sucks! Which is why I
have so much free time writing this blogs. It's good to clear the
mind, but at the same time- how much can one writes?
Life's Lesson!
Today is a go_od day. At least, it has started out as a good day. I was thinking this morning that I’d love to be a therapist, something like Dr. Phili w/ a softer feminine softer side. (okok.. stop laughing now! Haha..) But honestly, I think I’m a little too unstable myself to be assisting others in their attempts to find themselves. I’m a little too lost myself, know what I mean..
Whenever I meet someone new, I always manage to ask this question, “what is the biggest lesson you’ve learn in your life?” You would be amaze w/ all the answers I get. For me, I’ve learned that everyday you spend being angry and stubborn- is a day you don’t get back. It’s gone! I will never ever get that time back, no matter what I do. I guess I’d smack myself upside the head and get over it… but my own stubbornness’ has cost others dearly as well. However, I’m learning from my mistake. I’m willing to adjust and try my best to think outside the box. (Yet, You gotta remember I’m still human and I will tend to make mistake even when I try not toOoo..) Eventually the people around me will notice that I’m finally changing slowly and stop holding this against me and start accepting me the way I am now. Remember you’re human too..
.... Tyra Banks....

Whenever I’m feeling really =( LOW! Her smile and happiness can be the biggest lift in the world. I can get so used to actually spending some quality time @ home w/ her; w/out having the feeling I have too, but because I wanted too. =) It’s amazing how I’m so in < 3 Love w/ this child, it **stuns** me!
This morning, we got up early and dropped by Berkeley Bowl to buy a few things to make strawberry shortcake b/c Tyra loves it a lot. But this time around, I decided to replace the sponge cake w/ some raspberry scone. Like always, Tyra was very well behave whenever the mom is not around, she seem more discipline , adorable and such a sweetheart, instead of the little monster that runs around the house and touching everything -Or- in the "No no no no no! Mine!" mood that involves much screaming and kicking the floor, when she doesn’t get things her way! Spoil brat!! but we love her!! =) haha…
It was such a relaxing day! We had fun! We shop, play, watch TV, napped and played a little more when my other cousins came over. Everyone loved the Scone shortcake, so it was worth driving to Berkeley for it. =) It’s just nice to actually enjoy being home w/ family and doing nothing much!!!!
PS. Nope this blog isn't about Tyra Banks! *_~ gotcha ! haha!!!
... sloOow we-ek ....

It's been a full, but slow week. I mean, Friday is just getting here. Did everyone else have a slow week? Not much to report these days. Work is Work. It's a job- it helps pay the bills. (..well...sort of....) probably start looking for another part time job.. w'ell see in a month or two...
I stopped by Barnes and Noble the other day to find a book to read and found an interest one. I'll have to see if it will get me through the next 2-3 weeks at work. Just came back from Berkeley Bowl Market. Did I mention earlier that I found $40 in my pocket? yay! =) It's like free grocery, even though it's my $$. I love shopping at Berkeley Bowl; there are things that I just can't get at our local grocery chain store. Oh, they have the cheapest and freshest veggie and fruits around, fresh sushi, hot soups and freshly made to order sandwiches! It's like a mini Whole Food Markets- but way cheaper! I don't have a sweet tooth, but I love their pastry/cakes! Yummy. =)
Usually I'm all hype up and all smiley on Friday, somehow just felt in a lazy-bored mood. So in an attempt to de-funk my mood, I decided to actually cook a real meal from all the stuff I brought at Berkeley Bowl. (Cindy-style, so nothing is ever from scratch. Unless- you're that special.) Pasta, taco salad w/ avocado and sponge cake topped w/ whip cream, strawberry n' magoes. (pre-packaged sponge cake and the fresh fruits I brought , don't get excited-nothing from scratch- remember? =) Haha..) Dinner smell yummy- but I pigged out earlier-it's what I do when I'm bumming! SoOoo .. Hopefully dinner will be edible- I'm a bit rusty in the Kitchen. *_~ Anyone wants dinner?
Hmm… Wonders? what I will be doing tonight? Maybe go watch Monster-in-law.. Definitely not in the mood for dancing (maybe tomorrow?) or just might chill at home n' play some game and call it a night. Oh well see.. *** Oh man! *** I almost forgot that Star wars is out this week! =P Don't laugh k, but I really really wanna go see it! I wanna see how Anakin Skywalker's turn to the Dark Side.. Oh well, I know the line is going to long and pack, probably wait until next week to see it !
*_~ Anyho, have a fun weekend ya!
=( sad day
Just got to work and can't wait to get off. It’s pouring outside and it makes today seem so gloomy. Today my cousin came over, it's been a few weeks since I've seem her, so I asked what happened to her .. She told me that Brian's (her boyfriend) sister just passed away almost two weeks ago leaving behind an 18 year old boy and a 6-year-old boy. The sad part was that there was no warming sign- she passed away on her desk and just like that - she’s gone. =*( The parents are very sad right now-especially the dad –and- quite frankly my heart just dropped when I heard the news.
So here I am at work, feeling a bit lost and weird. Life is so weird sometimes; you never know what can happen. One-minute things are going great and then a bomb drops and your heart doesn’t know how to feel anymore. What I’m trying to say is to cherish everything around you !!
Anyhow, I think I better get back to work.
*_~ I heart Fridays! However this Friday, I overslept. I thought I had set my alarm and I did – but I didn’t really turn it on. Apparently, what I think happened is that I set it & turn it on and then accidentally turned it off – thinking I was turning it on. ( ha-ha.. I think it’s the curse of Friday the 13th.)
It’s indeed Friday and I’m so glad. This has been a very long and exhausting week and I’m tire as heck due to lack of zZzZZzz! I’m going to enjoy the hell out of this weekend. Just chill and relaxed a bit! b/c I need it.
But anyhow. ~~~ moving along. ~~~ It’s been a while, but I need to do some volunteer work soon. If I didn’t have to do this, you know: work and paid off bill thingy. I’d be volunteering all over the places. – It’s really good for the soul! I’m not sure exactly what I want to do yet, maybe another charity walk or visiting the elderly center. I think I’m just having trouble committing to it. We shall see….
Just came home from dinner w/ 3 of my closest friends that I’ve known since Jr. High, whom I haven’t seen in a while- beside my best friend. =) I was looking forward to it for a week now, simple b/c I just miss the company of old friends. Dinner was nice and relaxing. Can’t wait to go to Napa for wine tasting and cooking dinner @ Sylvia’s –just the 4 of us. =) To my old dear friends: Thank you! Hopefully those old friends will keep in touch and not remain “old friends”.
Well, I better go to sleep. =) Have a fun weekend ya!
*_^ Smile !!
Hello Everyone. =) (haha… As though if anyone is actually reading this.)
Today was pretty good. I managed to have a pretty relaxed day, which is a change. It's my first in a few weeks. It’s one of those day smiley days- where nothing can change your mood! *_~ you guys know that feeling! Life in general has been pretty good, could be better but its fine for the time being. I have a job that I don’t mind driving over the city. I guess, it’s the people at work that makes it worth wild and the fact I get sometime by myself at work - overall everything is finally coming together. =) maybe this year is truly for the year of the horse.
Oh I finally finish reading my book. Although it took me almost 1.5 months – the point is I finish. Now I need to find something non-fiction that’s interesting. =] hmmm.. I’ll come back to that later. Anyho, it’s been 2 years; but I've decided to go back on the Atkins Diet. Being out of shape really sucks! Trust me, I know. In yet another effort to lose a few pounds, boost my energy level and take care of a body that is starting to complain. Geez, I sound like a old fart! Haha..
Well I guess, I need to do something, or meet someone, or go somewhere. Whatever it is I'm increasingly sure that something needs to happen, and no one is going to get it to happen except me. So I must ante up!
=) The power of Music !

It’s amazing how much music can affect my mood. I put on certain songs and all of a sudden I’m feeling contemplative and reflective. When I hear music I see mini movies in my mind. Some of the visions are of things that have already happened in my life that relate to the song, or situations I fantasize about being in. Some stories that have nothing to do w/ me,but are inspired by the music. It’s like people who do interpretive dance. But I have these interpretive mini movies in my mind instead-myself and the rest of the people in my life play the parts. But when I try to explain them or if I were to try to direct one of them, I don’t think I could do it.
Jessica Simpson - Take My Breath Away -
Unfortunately, one thing I’m not immune to is random musical mood. To my horror, I somehow slipped into a crappy 80’s love song mood tonight. Every so often, these moods seem to come out of nowhere and it’s overwhelming. We’re talking songs like: Take my breath away, Make it Real, Careless whisper, I still believe, Getting over you getting over me, Super woman and Eternal Flames etc.. haha.. (You get the point.) Yes, It gotten pretty bad, I was singing to them. =)