Wow! Happy New Year 2006!
If there was any doubt in anyone’s mind that I am not a morning person. Not only did I hit the snooze button for about 45 minutes this morning, but once I got out of bed, I was so out of it that I wasn’t even functioning normally. OK, enough of that. I hope you all had a good, safe New Year's. Most of you have today off. I'm one of the unlucky fool who don’t. But hey, it's all good . AT least, I get time and half today including holiday pay.. Most of the people around here took a vacation day, so while it sucks that I have to be here, at least its quiet. And there was absolutely no traffic. =) Gotta love that! Yes, I’m still at work waiting for the report to finish- 20 minutes.. Last night was not bad at all, I had a nice time..
Wow, 2006! It is hard to believe that 2006 is here already! I can't believe how fast time goes by. It just feels like yesterday we were all worried the world was coming to an end as we welcomed the year 2000 and here we all are still alive and kicking it six years later. Well well so 2006 is here, I’m going to start anew and see what the hell I can do to make myself happier and fix what I need to fix??? So I have all these resolutions. I'm not quite ready to share them all yet (some of them I don't even know how to verbalize), but I'm putting something together. I’ve done this a couple of times before, but why not again, given that this is the beginning of a new year and everyone usually takes this time to reflect on the events of the past year in an effort to learn from them? Last year this time, I think I was in a middle of a quarter life crisis. (Yes and don’t laugh!) I can't figure out what I want to do with my life. Am I content? Am I satisfied? Is there more to life than this? Well I find a job I like? Will my problem be over soon? Will I ever fall in love? Should I get dog ? I was so so overwhelmed w/ questions then. Sometimes I feel like I'm going through life half asleep. Like it's a fog, a obstacle course to get from one day to the next. I need to read more. I need to listen to different type of music more. When I think about it, there is a lack of music in my life. There has almost always been a lack of music in my life. Strangely enough, I feel better when there is music.... I've always been such a visual person - and I have come to recognize that reading rejuvenates me. I'm a pretty tightly wound person, and finding these little things – learning, traveling, music and now reading- is really important to my mental health- I just have to add exercise to it and I’m all set..
I know what the solution is- just focus on one thing at a time and enjoy the people around me. Just enjoy the life that surrounds us! I know that's my plan for 2006, to kick it just a little bit more and just enjoy life.
^_~ It's going to be a good year - I can feel it.
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