Friday, February 25, 2005

People only really care about themselves and how they are perceived.

I feel like I've let people down on my blogs. Daily updates are long gone, but I hope I can re-achieve it and make it a weekly update instead. Anyways, I don't care what people think, what people say about me because hell, whatever they're thinking doesn't matter to me. I don't even know them.

My life today seems so much different then it was. My attitude towards certain things and my beliefs and everything seem so out of whack. For instance, I don't care about anything anymore. I don't care what people think, I don't care about what I wear (that’s a lie, I care about what I wear) but seriously, I've resorted to this I don't give a shit thing and I kinda like it.

I think I've spent a great deal of my life caring too much about what other people thought... and now, I realize.. People don't care about what you do. People don't care about what you say or what you think really. People only really care about themselves and how they are perceived. No one stays up all night pondering why I said what I said the day before. Granted, they might review it once thereafter and think about some dumb comment I made, but in all reality people do not care about what other people do.

But anyway, it's true, you can't care about what other people think.. Unless it's your family or friends, they really don't give a shit about you, what you say, or who you are. I'm glad I learned that the long way. I think its effect is more impressed on me.

Monday, February 14, 2005

My own worst enemy is myself...

The past few days here in the Bay Area have been simply gorgeous. The sky has been clear with hardly any wind. And the temperatures have been in the high 60s. =) Ahhh.. February in California... But somehow I think I’ve just “jinxed” myself, looks like it might rain a little.

For those of you who keep checking this page for my deep and thought-provoking blogs, I apologize. It has been hectic and at the same time relaxing, yet it has been flying by so fast that I can't even believe that t is already Valentine!

The thing I don't like about Valentine's Day is that it makes me ashamed to be alone. It doesn't make me feel any lonelier than I do ordinarily -- and these days, I'm pretty contented w/ all my dear friends.. But it makes me some sort ashamed. There's something about the way Valentine's Day is marketed that makes me feel like it's unacceptable not to have a sweet pea and like I'm supposed to go hide in a little box because nobody knows what to do with a single person and it'll embarrass everyone and ruin Valentine's Day for the folks who actually deserve to celebrate it. I feel like it's not socially acceptable to be single; like there's no place for me. I feel like I need to explain myself or come up with a good excuse. I've been sick. The dog ate my boyfriend. I don't have a good excuse. I'm just single and maybe that someone will come along one of these days – even so, hopefully I don’t mess up or scare the poor thing away! =) haha..

I write more frequently now, though you don't see most of it. I write for myself ( personal diary) -- feelings -- thoughts of no use to too many other people ... but it feels good to write. It feels good to me to become introspective and just write openly something I am only beginning to understand.

Looking back at all the things that I wrote. Even though looking back seems to be one of my favorite pastimes, I still have no way of orienting myself in the past as I look at it from the present. I was a different me, then, at all stages of every me. I think the my own worst enemy is myself. that is really how I feel - that's the truth! Sometimes I think I'm just too H arsh on myself. I have felt this way for a long time and I hated it! Well, I know -------- *** Stop being harsh on yourself. ***
After all... We're only human! - - but - - sometimes I just can't help it. I think I've lived a lot of my life trying to be exclusively rational, assertive, competitive, and self-determining. I'm learning how to be more intuitive, responsive, connected, and a little more aggressive (being a little bitchy- I mean.) I'm not sure it's so much learning how to be those things as it is relaxing and not trying to pretend I don't have those parts of me.

I will say that I am perfectly utterly normal and dull. I've spent a long time getting to who I am and finding me inside of me. I am very happy that I have found myself for the last few months. I dusted off the old me and found a newer layer of me underneath. Yup. I know. It's all a bit confusing with what the heck am I talking about? Suffice it to say that I know my shortcomings, although I discover more every day, and I am perfectly comfie that I have these terrible faults. But then, I have some good traits too. I think. I am a pretty good cook! If not, I can always pick up the phone, =P it’s just as good.

=) Anyways, I have to go hang out w/ my single friends for now.

Better Half - A night out with new and ole friends.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

No pressure, no rushing, nothing like that just taking it mellow.

Well before I begin, I must sincerely apologize for seriously neglecting my blog ... what can I say ... I'm making a pre-emptive New Year's Resolution to update it more regularly although it can't really be too hard to update it less regularly ...

Something just crossed my mind last nite .. [being.. CHINESE new year eve and all . ] I always had this fantasy about when the clock struck midnight on New Years Eve (12.31) and everyone was celebrating and kissing each other. In the back of my mind, I had this romantic notion that at one time of my life I would like to be with someone on New Years Eve that when I kiss him it really means something. That it is just not a kiss because I am there with him or that he happened to be standing next to me. That this was someone that I cared about and he cared about me and this kiss would mean something to the both of us.

I don't know maybe I am being too romantic for my own good, but this is always something that I have had in my head and I am thinking that maybe I can make a resolution for this to truly happen this coming New Years Eve. I have got another year to make this happen. To find a someone (male.. duh!) that interests me and hopefully I interest him in return. We take the time to get to know each other and hopefully we both realize that this is something that might have a future. No pressure, no rushing, nothing like that just taking it mellow. I don't know, it was just a thought I had and maybe it could work out? We will see.

Posted by Sindy on Wednesday, February 09, 2005 at 12:18 PM