look can be deceiving.
I had the weirdest day at work. It was more of a shock actually, just found a co-worker that was on a leave of absence at work for the past few month, just killed his wife last Friday and currently on the run. I’m just wondering why would he do such things? Why? Don’t seem like the person who would do this? Yes, look can be deceiving, but it just made me wonders if something happen and in rage, he did it. Ok I’m not trying to defend him; after all he did commit murder. The worst part is the 3 kids without a mother and a father in prison for it. We often hear this on the news, but to actually know someone whom did this- just feel too weird and awkward. =( that’s all I’m trying to say.
On a different note, I don’t think Oprah is helping me at all. I went over not twice but almost 3x the projected weekly budget. Ok, Joanne is right. It was too low to begin w/ so I’m going to make it twice that amount, so hopefully I can do it. I just realize that my Europe trip is just 2 months away, yay! I waited so long. Funny thing is that I sort wish, I could do a mini-backpacking trip instead a tour type, but at the same time I’m kind glad I picked the Tour. Hopefully in 2 years, I can to go back to Amsterdam and do a mini-backing trip. For now, I think I really want to go to Korea! Definitely after Hong Kong and New York.
Oh well, I better got o sleep now.
Good night to whoever!
why can you be someone's muse but yourself?
Ok, I know I need to take control of my life and really figure out what I need to do and take care of first. Like they say in philosophy class- there are two motivating forces: hope and fear. Fear is a powerful negative drive that’s moves us to the wrong directions- giving us the sense that we can’t do it or that we might fail. While hope is the positive drive that draws us toward our goals like a magnet that pushes us ahead in life. Basically you can either be pessimistic or optimistic in life. Yes the glass has always been half empty and I admit I have always been the pessimistic towards life. But just maybe the glass is actually half full and I have been wrong all these years! Hmm.. I wonder if one can have hope and yet be pessimistic?
Isn’t funny how life is? Really, you can be someone’s muse but yourself. Why is that? Maybe we are hypocrite of some sort or to some degree. Why is it so easy to help others but yourself? Is it because we are harsher on ourselves or is it because we don’t get to see ourselves from a clear view or maybe it’s because we analyze things that aren’t meant to be analyze and then we make it so complicated that it becomes a problem. Or just maybe, it’s easier to help someone so I can avoid my own. Sometimes I wonder why do I even bother? Is it because I’m obligated to do so, or just maybe… (oh, whatever.. )
okok…I know I really need to remind myself to stop sweating the small stuff and get all wrapped up in the dumbest crap, when people out there are having real and bigger problems than my pity little ones. Not that it’s nothing wrong to stress ova little thing- I know it can be normal, but to let it consume you in a way that I tend too then it’s wrong. I need to worry less and count my blessings more and appreciate what I have in my life, instead of pouting what I am lacking! Oh well, I better hit the sac!