Day off
Whew!!I didn't get a chance to post Friday morning, since things continue to be especially busy at work and I didn’t get off till 7:30 in the morning. Thinking back to my last post, I can't believe it is already another Sunday. I am busier at work now more than ever, and it won't slow down until probably January. Friday marked the official beginning of the weekend - Yes, I've been excited all week b/c the weather is gorgeous, sunny, warm, and crisp all at the same time (hello, November!) but the big excitement is that we’re going down to LA. - sort of celebrating Linda's b-day -since she didn't want it too be.. Funny part is that I’m just excited that I don’t have to work. All and all the trip was aright, although we spent a lot of the time in the car in traffic. But I guess I love most about road trips is that it’s so relaxing.. whether I’m driving or not- looking at the road somehow seems so peaceful… I guess you guys can relate to it. You know how your mind wanders off and you start thinking about everything that happen and wish will happen in the future.

I cannot believe, again, how quickly the weekend went by, and that I am now sitting on my couch sipping tea on Sunday night- instead of working my behind off at work. Yay!! I just love it! The best part is I'm here writing my blog, I know it sounds a bit lame.. but it just feel so good when I'm here. The three blogs I read regularly have been pretty quiet the past few days. I am guessing everyone is already in the throws of Holidays preparation and I know I be join them soOoOon.. Maybe one day I have the guts to comment their page and tell them how much I’ve enjoyed their life experiences and how much I’ve learn from them, but for now I rather stay quiet…
The other night I had a really long talk w/ God and asked him for a favor or two, somehow I felt as though God gave me a few sec. of his time for me and I thanked for things I sometimes have taken for granted. Okok, I complain an awful lot about work and life in general, but I do realize how lucky I am. As much as I don't like my job, at least I have one w/ cool peeps. I have an amazing family- it's not perfect but it's mines-especially my little precious niece- we're a weird bunch, but i love them all !! My family and friends are healthy and I have my own health, as well. I have a few kwel friends-you don't really know how many people care about you until you have to go through a year like I had or hell.. yet there's this incredible group of people (friends n family) who have been there for me whenever I needed and I’m so thankful for it, even though at time it don’t seem like it. Anyhow, I am feeling the need for some creativity output for myself, some sort of outlet for the things that I have kept within for so long. So, hopefully in among my next posts I’ll have a few projects to tell.