Jury Duty?????
Yay!!! no work for me today- I have a summon for jury tomorrow, so I’m just waiting to see if I am selected for jury duty. I hope NOT! but I'll know by 5pm. Shit, if I were selected- I can’t even imagine how much work will be pile up when I get back that it sucks! So, I’m just hoping that I’m not the part of the chosen group..
I've been meaning to write about what's been going on around here but I've been in such a funky mood lately that not only have I been so emotionally pissed off that it's stressing me out. There's a side of me that telling myself that ……… Well, let’s just say - I just want to disappear and not tell anybody where I am. Just go away and decide if and when I want to come back. I want to be re-fined in terms that don't include the way other people see me or what they expect out of me. I know easy say than done!@!!
Today is a day of rest around here. I did some of the clean up, but there's still work to be done -eventually everything will be organized by this weekend. I'll probably do some laundry tomorrow morning and try to grab a nap later when Tyra takes one... Meanwhile I better go to Michaels' to postpone Linda and my Course 3 cake decorating class to Nov.’s Course 2 class instead- hopefully that won't take too long- just in case I have to argue my way, if they give me a hard time. Even though this class didn’t cost us much w/ the discount- I could care less about the money. However it just that I don’t want to pay full price for next class. You gotta understand that we are not only paid for the course but for course set material and misc. cake decorating that definitely adds up quickly…
I'm so low on cash and I still have a lingering cough from a Tyra's cold –My throat is so sore and dry- it’s to painful to even talk. =( I need to make some extra cash. I am, however, brainstorming some "work at home" ideas- that probably ends up in the air. Eventually I need to find another part time-probably 15 hours weekly. Meantime, I have some projects that I need to do for myself. It’s funny when I explain to my co-worker that I have projects for myself, they think I’m krazy!! Well, I better go..