Baking 101
I have been very lazy about posting recently, but there’s a very logical explanation… it’s b/c – I’m just lazy!! j/k…. haha…. Okok, about 70% of the time I spend on the Internet is when I’m at work. …… Don’t tell my boss, =) even though I think both of them already know- Since I do work in the Info. System dept. (I.T.) whatever you call it, though I don’t much about PC. All I do it invoicing and the day end report at the end of the shift by myself and if there’s any thing wrong (knocking on wood..) , I’ll have to call technical support that’s located a few states away, whom- like me doesn’t even know much about the system.. So if he can’t find any computer programmer, then I’m screw! Which happened once and I hope that’s the last time or not any time soon..Well, it’s been a while since I have written anything in here. It’s been a busy couple of weeks and it’s going to be for the coming two weeks before the wedding. YES!! My youngest uncle is getting married and I’m basically the wedding planner!! Yay!! Gosh, there are so many things to do in a short amount of time given. They announced that they were getting marry on the 3rd of July-which was 2 weeks ago n’ the wedding is July 30. But we have gotten a lot of the things done. Almost everything is done; except for the chocolate fountain details and flower arrangements-, which I need to find out what type of flower, does Carmen have in mind? Along w/ a few minor things that need to be taken care of, which should be no problem. I think the hardest part now is making the toasting speech for them it's something I don;t have to do- but I wanna! Afterall this is the one person I really look up to in life- If I can be half or 1/3 of the person he is- then I'll be set in life!@!! Wow!! Planning a wedding is a lot of work! But I’m just loving it.. =P I know it’s weird huh ?? I’m learning a lot, since this is actually the first wedding I help planned.. I’m feeling like J.Lo in the wedding planner *_ ~ but w/out the big ass.. haha…
OK, I have to admit that today was a pretty damned good day. I slept. for almost 6 hours n’ another hour watching TV in bed-something I haven’t done in a long time. I find it strange that on days when I don’t do much of anything I end up tired. I’ll get up the next morning and still feel beat ! Then there are periods of time when I’m on the go seemingly for thirty something hours straight w/ only 1-2 hours naps and yet I still feel like I could keep going.. as long as I stay busy !! Sometimes I don’t even know that I’m tired, until I realized how long I haven’t have any real zZZzzz…

Currently, I’m taking 4 sessions of cake decorating class w/ Linda. Yes!!! It’s actually a Cake decoration class. If ya know me well: I HATE BAKING!!! NO, really.. I really hate it. (Notices how I put it in the Bold Red letter.. haha..) But I figure that I gotten do something that I dislike to prove to myself that I can achieve anything, even if it’s something I dislike.. =) Well, it was either knitting a scarf or baking, something I both dislike b/c it needs a lot of 'patients' to finish, which I don’t have.. Like Peggy always say “Patient is the best virtue.”. I try knitting and baking before a very long time ago- either I don’t finish or it turns out like a piece crap! =( Hopefully this time my cake will be edible n’ pretty.. Who knows? if all things goes well, I might invest in a Kitchen Aid, a red color one so it will remind me of the shining old red 1969 Mustang convertible.. =)
Have a nice weekend ya