Childhood- Everything was so simple. Or is that just perspective?

Time is fleeting and it’s having its way w/ us. It drags on the beginning of our lives and goes by too fast down the road.
Childhood and youth were really the best of times. Or do they seem that way b/c we know we’ll never get them back; that it’s just a distant fading memory. I guess that grass is always greener on the other side. We want what we don't have or what we we're not. There are days in my childhood, specific moments that I can recall so well. How flushed my face felt when someone told my the boy I liked thst I had a crush on him.
Everything was so simple. Or is that just perspective? At the time, of course, things didn’t seem easy or simple in the in the least. It’s amazing how when you’re a child your world is so small which causes everything that happens to seem so big, And as I sit here pondering and reflecting, what does it leave me with? What do I do? Where do I go from here? I understand that I can’t go back. But where do I go from here?
Why did I want to grow up so fast? What did I think I was missing out at the time? Bills? responsibilities? decisions and heartaches? Those are the best things to miss out on, but I didn’t know that I wanted to grow up so fast. I’m mad at myself for wasting so much time. It becomes more and more valuable as days role on. Wasted days have turned into years and what do I have to show for it, except sorry for myself? Which I will stop doing, cause I know that it’s not that way anymore.
Lost my wallet- Losing things is one of the saddest experiences.
Losing things is one of the saddest experiences in this world because, whether or not it is for good, it takes away something we weren't yet prepared to part with, and gives no promises that they will return ever.
Last night I lost my wallet. =( I didn’t find out until this morning. Losing a wallet sucks. I'm sorry. =( I had my wallet stolen one time, the money they got out of it was so incredibly little, especially compared to the amount of time and effort for me to replace everything. (There was my Driver ID, bank card and my IDs and my Credit cards.) It's just those small things, the things that make it YOUR wallet... I miss them already. So now I can't drive, either, because my license was in my wallet. And that's my only ID, so now I can't go to the bank and get a new card
When you just realize it's gone. You try to look for it everywhere, even going back to the places where you could have lost it. You think, and you think hard, only to come upon a grim realization: it's really gone. Of course, you can hold on to some hope. After all, there have been some very, very lucky people who get it back. Perhaps you could become one of those people. You sit home and you hope that someone would call, and that you would get it back. But then, time passes, and you realize that it's still gone, and you realize that it's time to let go.
Life is short, too short for us to whine about things. Always look on the bright side of life.. I guess I just have to be careful, take care of things. Meanwhile, I better to sign off and make an appointment with DMV to replace.. =(