Random thoughts !
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Life is not always what it is cracked up to be !
4 sindytake it easy sindy don't let it get to you. you're a wonderful lady with a lot on her mind. keep writing and restoring hope for the hopeless. yeah people will disappoint but don't let them hurt you. that is just the way human beings are. we are cruel and ruthless. we tend not to repent our wrongs out of foolish pride. the hands of justice of those who may hardened will fall on them , if they don't make things right. thanks for reading my blogs. you're a great friend (even though we never met.) and an excellent writer. keep up the good work. Rest assured I'll probably never fall in love again. Its truly a waste of time and energy. Reality is grim and it is never a romance novel. Its dark twisted and even if you were together with your ideal man you would be fighting each other everyday. Sure the first two weeks are always great but as time progresses, forget about it. Maybe some people are destined to be lonely. Look at Apostle Paul who never married but spread the faith of God throughout the Roman Empire. Acceptance is the hardest part, but you get used to it just like an allergy injection. For me I'm a lost cause. For you, there's a man out there that will give you the world. He's waiting wearing a black tuxedo standing by the podium while you're being escorted by your father down the aisle. He's coming real soon, so don't worry. I guarantee it! I know because you're a good woman that truly cares for the unlovable. That trait is marvelous, so don't you ever lose it. I lost it a long time ago. I've grown bitter over the years. Stand strong in this world of despair and darkness. He's in the shadows just look a little bit carefully. I already see him smiling at you.
Posted by charlie on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 at 11:32 PM

It is a good thing to lay out a journal of our thoughts.
Reading them now, I see pieces of my soul lying in here..
Most of us think we really know our own self. But there are times - we just cannot accept ourselves as we are…We try to be what people want us to be, that’s where we will feel bad for who we are. I mean - I can’t be pessimistic all the time. Nor can I be bother w/ what person says because I cannot satisfy what they want. It is not the people to judge who we are or what we will be but it is our own self. Life is not always what it is cracked up to be ! I really think that the way we think about the world shapes our feelings. If we think and expect the worse all the time, definitely our life would be a living hell. Besides, life is not ideal, it can’t be heaven or hell all the time, but a mixture of the both. So, we should respect other people and their life as we do our own.
When we were little, many of us were brought up to believe that marriage is supposed to last forever – just like Cinderella. What I learned from my folks @ a younger age is life is never a fairy tales, no such thing as happily ever after. I’ve seen how much a divorce can tear up a family. How love can turn into hate and then pain. Which is why I’ve been so afraid of love? Not love itself, but the pain. But I’ll never know if I don’t give it a try. Sometimes I wonder how can my parents be so selfish and not consider the kids (our feelings)? Two does not make a complete family when you have kids. But I guess maybe it was in our best interests - not to see them fighting or maybe they are just selfish. Funny thing is that it’s been 12 years and they haven’t talked to each other without screaming @ each other.
Never Say Never ! Someone since quoted ’Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet that person, we will know how to be Grateful.’ You never know what the future lies.. ONLY TIME WILL TELL !
Acceptance is the hardest part- Yet, it is accepting that it's all happening and that life, as you want it to be is slipping away. It’s up to you whether you want to accept life as it is, or you can choose your own path. (Sometimes we get lost; we can either get directions or find our way back.) It’s really up to you ! So what’s it going to be?
Posted by Sindy on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 at 2:40 AM
Thursday, October 07, 2004
“It’s self-fish to be self-less”..

It’s funny how --- Someone in philosophy class once told me that, “It’s self-fish to be self-less”.. wtf? I didn’t understand why one would mention such statements nor agree to it. (BUT now) You know what – sometimes we have to put ourselves ahead of others, which I’m finally learning at the moment, it’s so f***** hard to do, but I’m going to change! –as- I’m going through with a bunch of changes. Which is making me a bit selfish – yet a bit stronger and happier for the first time!
Don’t get me wrong : Sometimes I’m just so f******* tired of helping people out that when I need help.. I don’t think I can turn to them for help or count on… For the first time in my life, I’m actually agree-ing and admitting that it’s actually ok to do so. As long as your not hurting anyone ! Well, I’ll let “Time” tell my future!
Time has a way of changing everything, no matter how much you may want things to remain the same, they won't. Time will march on, with or without you. Why not let it, and see what sort of moments, good and bad, life has in store…
Sunday, October 03, 2004
I'll just choose to not argue w/ you...
Be warned: I am writing this in a VERY bad mood !!
Anyho, I am so tired of trying to convince people that their lives are valuable,
when they absolutely refuse to believe that!
So from now on, if you want to feel like this, go right ahead..
I"ll be here when and if you really want help....
I won't be here just to listen to you bitch and moan about how nobody cares…
You only want me to argue with you and tell you not to do it,
so you can then argue back and feel more justified in doing it!!
So from now on I guess I'll just choose to not argue w/ you...
but I see what you really want is someone to have a pity you with and I won't do it! but I see what you really want is a group of people to have a pity party with and I won't do it ..
Posted by Sindy on Sunday, October 03, 2004 at 10:37 PM